Problems We Solve

Simplified shipping

The Problem

Shipping in the Life Science sector is currently fraught with manual processes.

It requires a considerable amount of work, often culminating in lengthy and time-consuming communications between you and your provider.

Our Solution

Arca Live™ is our intuitive portal that allows you to book shipments, upload and access documentation, check pricing, as well as review and monitor your deliveries with ease.

This gives you the freedom to spend more time focused on your work, with the assurance that your logistic requirements are in safe hands.

Our specialist team are on hand at every stage of the process. They design the solution, raise the required paperwork and provide assistance and complete visibility every step of the way. 

All our internal processes follow strict SOPs to adhere to GDP standards and comply with our own quality control requirements.

Specialist packaging

The Problem

Creating the ideal packaging system can be a complex task, and not every business has the time or resources to do it.

Ultimately, it becomes a job in itself. Not only managing a broad inventory of specialist packaging at every location but also navigating the preconditioning process for temperature control systems. For most businesses, and especially businesses that ship infrequently, it’s a huge amount of work.

Our Solution

Firstly, our specialists work directly with you to understand your product’s individual requirements. 

We then identify and provide the best packaging to maintain temperature and ensure a successful delivery from start to finish. Finally, our drivers will pack everything at the point of collection, providing a seamless and hassle-free departure for every shipment.

Proactive monitoring

The Problem

The Life Science sector suffers from a lack of real-time shipment data visibility, specifically temperature and GPS.

Currently, passive temperature monitoring is the standard, but we believe this method is insufficient. Without visibility, there is no opportunity to react to temperature deviations before they become critical and the product compromised.

Our Solution

When shipping with Arca, we place an active monitor with your product to send live temperature and GPS readings to the Arca control tower. We then monitor this data around the clock, ready to take immediate corrective action if required to avoid any product loss.

Both you and your receiver have live visibility of this data via the portal, enabling you to track the location and temperature of your package at any time. This allows you to view key milestones and exact location details instead of waiting for manual updates.

When your shipment is within a pre-determined radius, an auto-notification is then sent to the delivery site, allowing them that little extra time to prepare for delivery.

Control tower

The Problem

Control towers can often feel impersonal, with vast call centres spanning hundreds of employees in different time zones.

This can make it difficult for organisations to build relationships with their partners, often spending hours re-explaining each shipment before achieving the desired outcome. Not only is this extremely frustrating, it’s also a real burden on time.

Our Solution

Arca's control tower acts as part of the team, providing valuable access to all knowledge relating to the operational element of life science logistics solutions.

Our dedicated team of experts are on hand at every step, becoming a regular voice of guidance and support throughout the process. 

Using the latest technology, our active data monitors provide our central control tower with live temperature and GPS updates. Parameters for each shipment are set based on product requirements and preference, with our team actively monitoring the data and ready to take corrective action to ensure products stay within range.

Quality and regulation, covered

The Problem

The Life Science logistics sector is subject to many regulatory considerations. Good Distribution Practice (GDP) guidelines set out clear conditions for the transport and management of products, which not all carriers can comply with fully.

Further shipping regulations can be similarly complex, with regulatory bodies such as ADR and IATA setting strict procedures for hazardous goods and many carriers expecting you to take sole responsibility for compliance.

Our Solution

Our robust quality management system ensures that our service consistently delivers and adheres to GDP standards. 

Our core system allows us to automate many of our workflows, mitigating the risk of human error wherever possible. Detailed logs of shipment interactions are automatically stored, facilitating our root cause analysis and allowing us to provide full transparency.  

We’d love to hear from you.

Get in touch today to explore how our services can benefit your business. Experience the peace of mind that comes with complete transparency and control.

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